IQ 所谓Intelligence Quotient是也。即A number meant to measure intelligence.不过 Once the standard measure of human mental capacity; now widely considered to be neither accurate nor fair. 但是终归是有点参考意义的。
80-90 (below average)
90-110 (average intelligence)
111-121 (above average)
122-130 (highly intelligent)
131-141 (gifted)
142+ (genius – top 1%)
这两天迷上了测这玩意,找了好几个网站做IQ题,有洋文的也有中文的。。。最终做了2组洋文,两组中文的题,得到的IQ分分别为129,140 ,148 and 148不等。。。分别是Tickle,FunEducation,“欧洲流行的智商测试题”和心智网的题。其间还测了些乱七八糟的DD。。。说俺Self-Aware( The Colour Test),Perception( The Emotional IQ Test),Balanced-Brained( The Brain Test)什么的…